
Welcome to my Podcast Scenografiska köket - Scenography Kitchen! You find in on Podbean and Spotify


Below you will find also my 2018 scenography diary, started as a way to focus on scenography in a hectic academic context. The task was to write something every day, no matter how tired I was. The resulting scenographic poetics is still with me. August 1, 2023, I started writing diary posts again, because scenography research needs dedicated awareness, in terms of langue, outreach, and - why not - love. 

Day 15. A verly long but also very rewarding day in the archives (including the body as archive!). More will follow when I have digested the findings. When waiting, some late Friday scenographic candy:

Day 13. Lucky day. Loved digging into The Routledge Companion to Scenography (2018). Such a relief to read something updated and really considered. And, hugely important these days: the companion is accessible online without too much fuss. Now, back to reading!

Day 12. Long day in the office. Have been reading Swedish theatre histories for many hours today. Often produced by the same or related theatre historians. I cannot keep wondering why there is such a strange lack of scenographic interest in the books. Or: if there is an interest, it can be negative, even mean, and for certain modernist biased....

Day 11. I have a friend with whom I exchange books. She recently gave me two ones with yellow covers. First I read Charlotte Perkins Gilman, later Stetson's (1860-1935) short story The Yellow Wallpaper (1982) in Swedish translation. As the titel suggests a yellow wallpaper is the protagonist, a truly scenographic agent, in full force. A woman is...

Day 9. Brought a friend along to experience "Vågar vi blunda" (Do we dare to close our eyes) a dance-music-scenography event created by Carmen Olsson (dance and choreography), Åsa Herrgård (scenography) and Harald Svensson (music) as well as the co-creatice audience. I was particularly taken by the relationship between movement in scenographic...

Day 8. In May 2018 Scott Palmer kindly sent me his book Light: Readings in Theatre Practice (Palgrave Mavmillan 2013) and I sent him our Dream-Playing Across Borders anthology (2016). We are talking about real post here, books than yoy can hold on to. I very much enjoyed reading Light, found it immensely useful and inspiering. Will enter...

Day 7. Long day at work. After: walking the street holding three red roses, wrapped in a moss green paper, birthday card and all. Street truly transformed. Love the theory (admit that I have moved this here from yesterday's blog) that facilitates putting words on such scenographic events:

Day 6. I attended a very scenographic dance performance posing questions about dancing bodies and activation of space. Or more specifically "What is a wall", to quote the abfab dancer Luisa Denward who by way of musical-diva-fringe-actions took some of us (audience members) to the performance space. In situ, choreographer Gun Lund's dancers and a...