
Welcome to my Podcast Scenografiska köket - Scenography Kitchen! You find in on Podbean and Spotify


Below you will find also my 2018 scenography diary, started as a way to focus on scenography in a hectic academic context. The task was to write something every day, no matter how tired I was. The resulting scenographic poetics is still with me. August 1, 2023, I started writing diary posts again, because scenography research needs dedicated awareness, in terms of langue, outreach, and - why not - love. 

Day 5. Just came back to the office after having a totally unexpected scenographic experience. Over the lunchtable at the dance and art venue 3:e Våningen: a snake shaped freely flying festoon (something usually found on baroque and roccoco buildings) in green tulle, some redd stuff and spiraling ribbons, made of old posters for dance performances,...

Day 4. Monday at work. So, who produces scenography history or histories these days? Quick answer: Internationally acclaimed academics and academic practitioners working in a Western context but striving to be global. Yes. This we see in for example: Scenography expanded (2017) and The Routledge Companion to Scenography (2017). Excellent...

Day 3. The Nordic Scenography website turned out to be more artistic than I thought it would be. I spend hours choosing and arranging the black and white pictures used as senographic co-creative agents (not background!) for the various sections.

Day 2. Saturday. I used to be a professional dancer and for many years I was in such good shape. This is no longer the case. I like my body, but at the same time I am on the verge of being overweight, and I do feel I need some excercise. So: I run, short distance, sort of around...

Day 1. Friday. I am Astrid, a middle aged Swedish academic (art historian) and former dancer (classical ballet, dance theatre, experimental work), currently employed at the University of Gothenburg.