
Welcome to my Podcast Scenografiska köket - Scenography Kitchen! You find in on Podbean and Spotify


Below you will find also my 2018 scenography diary, started as a way to focus on scenography in a hectic academic context. The task was to write something every day, no matter how tired I was. The resulting scenographic poetics is still with me. August 1, 2023, I started writing diary posts again, because scenography research needs dedicated awareness, in terms of langue, outreach, and - why not - love. 

Day 35. So, a person talked to me today about how slow and useless the university is when it comes to digital development and teaching. Might be true, but not only. Slow is good. I love slow. And at times all is there anyway in the digital. This is for teaching: students! A gift. Be greatful digital:

Day 34. A lot of work on the book introduction today. And useless meeting. And a 40+ ballet class - fun, and I worked hard! Notes on costume, or candy, from my dear colleage:

Day 33. Hectic day. A lot of administration, a lot of no, no, no, and failiures. F...k. Wanted to write about how scenography can become extremely relevant to art historians. Thought about my own way into the realm of expanded scenography.

Day 30. A month since I started writing this scenographic diary, and the day after three extraordinarily exhilarating Critical Costume days - including critical scenography. So much inspiration, so many thoughts. And we even had fun! Today, walking the streets of London, incapable of finding any direction. Walked past The Place, a dance space,...

Day 29 (for my scenographic diary). Presented "Costume as trickster trace: Troubling the dance archive" today - and felt engaged and welcomed in the scenograpic space of Critical Costume. Not a native speaker, have to live with that. Brought a Swedish object on stage, to resonate with this, and make a transitional space come alive. It is all on...

Day 28. Not much sleep the night before. Starstruck - that's the word for day 2 of the conference. Rachel Hann is such an inspiering person. Critically engaging, fun. Making affective scenograpic atmospheres. Stuff you can move and breath in being yourself. That is what we need, that is what makes it worth going to this conference. No less. All...

Day 27. The Critical Costume 2018 conference has begun. Already from the beginning I am enjoying the presentations. Viveka Kjellmer, my colleague from Sweden is sitting next to me: it is indeed good to be two at a conference. When sitting in the auditorium, I often prefer to percieve, see, hear, listan, feel, reflect, and not take too many notes....

Day 26. Will be travelling to the UK tomorrow to participate in the Critical Costume conference - thrilled! Have worked on the slides and some performance lecture interventions to really try to make the dancerly scenographic montage idea come through. Hugging trees while re-visiting independent dance, making bodily inscriptions as archive....