
Welcome to my Podcast Scenografiska köket - Scenography Kitchen! You find in on Podbean and Spotify


Below you will find also my 2018 scenography diary, started as a way to focus on scenography in a hectic academic context. The task was to write something every day, no matter how tired I was. The resulting scenographic poetics is still with me. August 1, 2023, I started writing diary posts again, because scenography research needs dedicated awareness, in terms of langue, outreach, and - why not - love. 

Day 73. Blogging in the night. When reading Peter Robinson, so much scenographics. Local police, tired, struggling. Pubs. Landscapes. Cityscapes. Offices. Impossible tasks. Life.

Hula hoop


Day 72. Meetings and chilly air. Trees are getting naked. Exhibition, now hopefully including a big circle, a real one, a hula hoop. For staging critical questions on and with independent dance and theatre groups.

Fake fur


Day 71. Getting colder here. Fake fur is a la mode. Fakoflage vibrating in city space. Got a fake fur bag in Copenhagen, so tactile, material, and I keep hugging and stroking it. Totally scenographed by stuff and clothes.



Day 70. It was snowing in Gothenburg when I got home --snowgraphics! Loved the conference. Really scenographic people. Futures to come. Framing as promise and provocation. Picture: For me to remember, promises, plans.



Day 69. Conference day 2. Shimmer. Glitter. Something in the air: Scenographic vibrations.

Day 68. Session up and running. Felt alive and awake. Really nice attendees. Technology, well. I miss the theatre.

Day 66. Gave a talk on archival activism at the Academy of music and drama here in Gothenburg. Felt useful. Invited students to this course. You can look at scenographic archives!



Day 64. On train. On way home. When writing this, immediately prictures are produced, place is orientated, worlds are made.