Workshopping Scenography

Day 84-92. Yes - the picture is supposed to be upside down. We are flying in this way, we are creative and critical witches, scenograping space, here and there, then and now, and in the future.
The preparations, actions during the workshop, and the reverberations after it, did require full prescence and engagement. So no blogging, but a lot of new making and new thinking done. Great people attended and contributed. Writing that scenographs. Practice, practitioner - what, who, in what ways? Drinks and talks, scenographic growth and "interventional acts of worlding" (Hann 2018, 17). Worlding refers to meaning making processes that make up and are made by worldly encounters. Scale, for example, was addressed by me crawling on the floor and planting a diary as a house in a landscape - totally transforming the void in the middle of the lecture hall. The scenographing idea then came back as a happy dancing doll and small animal positioned in the midst of taller ones. Loved it. Thanks thanks Eszter Szalszer for the re-turning of playful scaling! Thanks Christine Sjöberg, Olga Nikolaeva, Veronica Isaac, Rachael Grew, Corrinne Chong, Gillian McIver, and of course the one and only Viveka Kjellmer.