What is a wall? Scenographic magic at an old fortress


Day 6. I attended a very scenographic dance performance posing questions about dancing bodies and activation of space. Or more specifically "What is a wall", to quote the abfab dancer Luisa Denward who by way of musical-diva-fringe-actions took some of us (audience members) to the performance space. In situ, choreographer Gun Lund's dancers and a musician, explored the ruins of the historical space Gamla Älvsborgs fästning (the old Älvsborg Fortress).  More here: https://www.3vaningen.se/ruinen2018.html. The performance was, as I experienced it, openended, strong and theatrical. It made a rather blunt space turn magic. I have to confess that I thought about fantasy, and the ageing dancers cloaked in black brought some favourite Harry Potter scenery to mind. 

Photo credit: Astrid von Rosen
Photo credit: Astrid von Rosen