Light in the Scenography network


Day 8. In May 2018 Scott Palmer kindly sent me his book Light: Readings in Theatre Practice (Palgrave Mavmillan 2013) and I sent him our Dream-Playing Across Borders anthology (2016). We are talking about real post here, books than yoy can hold on to. I very much enjoyed reading Light, found it immensely useful and inspiering. Will enter curricula here I can course planning in the right direction. Scott and I exchanged some thoughts on the need for critical historiography for scenography. Then followed the hollidays. Summer is now over (here in Sweden) and I hope the exchange will continue. This is an example of how a network is being built and how it develops. Personal contact, generosity, readings. So, do not hesitate to get in touch, send a book, get one in return. Or something else. This is my email: . Looking forward to hearing from you!