Towards a new year - scenographing!
It is the 29th of December 2018. Even if the year is almost over, gone by, traces of it, such as this blog, will remain (at least for a while).
To me blogging is about building research: By making and leaving traces, by playing with concepts and testing thoughts, a new realm, a scholarly space of sorts is emerging. Anybody interested can follow and get in touch. As simple as that, and no commercials.
Now, I go back through the blog entries, follow my traces, some of them obviously written within limited time frames, and I do find all of it useful! The embodied attention to scenography, day efter day. Result: Next year, the process of building with scenography, scenographics and scenographing shall continue.
I am at this moment not sure how often the blogs will be published, but I do believe the most useful structure is 'once a week', as demonstrated by Liz Stanley in her excellent research blog: For some three months I tried publishing daily, but in December, in combination with too much teaching and marking that did not work out.
"The end" - what picture can I have for this? Not sure. The end is also a beginning, of something, or of many things. Keep Crawling! Keep Scenographing!