Bloodstained Landscapes - scenographic explorations


Day 20. Finally, after a very long journey from the US to my office, the August Strindberg and Visual Culture (Bloomsbury 2018) anthology has arrived here, in Gothenburg. I hold it in my hands, open it  by chance: chapter 4, and yes, there is Eszter Szalczer on forest imagery, bloodstained landscapes, so very ...nordic noire.... You know, Eszter Szalczer is actually coming to our university this autumn as a visiting researcher! Indeed, some academic pleasure here.

I have also contributed to the book. A piece on archival activism across borders, re-imagining the researchs archive. Records as active agents, that type of thing. Dream-Playing (a new concept for the brave!) the archive. Love to see the pictures in colour in the book! 

Full reference, my contribution: von Rosen, Astrid, "Dream-Playing the Archive: Exploring the 1915-18 Düsseldorf production of A Dream Play", August Strindberg and Visual Culture: the Emergence of Optical Modernity in Image, Text, and Theater, edited by Jonathan Schroeder, Anna WesterstÃ¥hl Stenport, and Eszter Szalczer, Bloomsbury Press, London and New York. September 2018, p. 141-146.