#2 Editorial & Contents: Multisensory experiences and scenographic thinking
Dear readers,
We are
happy to present #2 of Scenography Journal, this time with a broad focus
on multisensory experiences in exhibitions and on stage, and scenographic
thinking as a mindset to embrace atmospheric and sensorial aspects of art and life. Themes this time illustrated by the contradictory and tactile silver bowls by Niklas Ejve, where the roughness of metal meets soft silk. Vibrant and silky "fur" lines the metal bowls and brings out an unstoppable desire to touch the objects - this is sensory design at play.
Issue #2 features reviews, information on new research, a Call for Paper, as well as scenography memories and events.
Warmest wishes,
Viveka Kjellmer, Multisensory communication & costume editor
Contents #2:
Editorial: Multisensory experiences and scenographic thinking
Review: Mat, vin och familjens obönhörliga sammanbrott: Bobby Fischer bor i Pasadena på Folkteatern.
Review: Oceanista – från vardag till mångsinnlig konst med havet som inspiration.
Symposium: Atmos & Spharia
Research: Tua Helve's new project on costumes as knowledge producers
Call for Papers: NORDIK 2025 / Sensing the Nordik
Provocation: Befria teatern från scenograferna
Scenography memory: Ulla Kassius skriver om Arme Rikard, 1978 på Dramaten
Scenography memory: Mytomania på Göteborgsoperan
Review: Rachel Hann's Beyond Scenography
New book: Scenography Chapter in Women Experimenting in Theatre
Research collaboration: Rapport om Scenografiprojekt med Scenkonstmuseet
Image: Niklas Ejve, Bowls. The blue and the black; The red and the black; silver and silk. Photo: Viveka Kjellmer