Welcome to Scenography Journal! Issue 1 was published in October 2024 and issue 2 in January 2025. We feature scholarly articles on and with scenography, and review performing arts events, exhibitions, and films. We also share the latest news on scenography.

Happy to share some GREAT news (after several years of hard work): August Strindberg and Visual Culture: The Emergence of Optical Modernity in Image, Text, and Theatre is now out from Bloomsbury, and edited by Jonathan Schroeder, Anna Westerståhl Stenport, and Eszter Szalczer.

Viveka is preparing a visual and olfactory presentation about scent as costume and the use of "risky fragrances" for the Critical Costume Conference in Surrey. It will be scented!

We just received a new notification from Nordic Theatre Studies: An issue on "Theatre and Money" has been published. Valuable thoughts and findings concerning scenography might lurk in the contributions, even if the notion itself is not always used.

We are currently (August 2018) preparing our NORDIK XII conference session entitled "Untitled Spaces: Scenography and Nordic Art History" to be presented at NORDIK XII - October 25-27, 2018, in Copenhagen Denmark.

The North, Norden, the Nordic Region - the labels are changing in tandem with political alliances, cultural connections and imaginings. Scenography (under various labels) have since long formed part of the formation of Nordic spaces, ideas and beliefs. Scenography is connected to ideologies shaping notions of a region as well as to critical...

Happy to share this call for participation from one of our favorite networks, Critical Costume: