Welcome to Scenography Journal! Issue 1 was published in October 2024 and issue 2 in January 2025. We feature scholarly articles on and with scenography, and review performing arts events, exhibitions, and films. We also share the latest news on scenography.

Nu har äntligen min och Eszter Szalszers artikel om Carl Grabow kommit. Vi gör en dialogisk omläsning av Grabows i tidigare forskning nedvärderade och utskällda skisser till urpremiären av Strindbergs Ett drömspel (1907). I vår undersökning använder vi kritisk arkivteori, ikonografi och ny scenografiteori i för att skapa en konstruktiv...

New multisensory research at the department of cultural sciences, presented at the research day 5 February 2020. Viveka Kjellmer on scent as communication tool, Astrid von Rosen on physical action as research method and Helena Holgersson on how to take anxiety seriously.

4.2 is soon to be published! Guest edited by Rachael Grew, whose editorial sets out a post-humanist frame, this issue emerges from the Bodily Scenography: The Body in 20th-Century Stage Design symposium held at Loughborough University, organised by Grew. It includes articles by Rebecca Merriman, Viveka Kjellmer and Urs Georg Dierker, visual essay...

Viveka was invited to Beckmans College of Design, Stockholm to discuss scent as communication tool with the Visual Communication students. A fragrant workshop about scent as art, scenography and communication. Multisensory learning smelling of blood, sweat and roses!

Den internationellt välrenommerade scenografiteoretikern Rachel Hann har blivit utsedd till gästforskare på Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Göteborgs universitet. Hann kommer att vara hos oss vid tre tillfällen fram till december 2020. Den 3 december 2019 ger Hann sitt första publika framträdande (se kalendariet på kultur.gu.se). Här nedan...

Viveka went to Lausanne to take a closer look (and sniff!) at two exhibitions about the sense of smell. Nez à nez @ Mudac (Museum of contemporary design and applied arts), 15.2.2019-16.6.2019, digs deeper in to the art of perfumery. More info here.